gavin ramos

This week for “On The Verge,” I teamed up with Create.Repeat and Season of Sunday to photograph their newest collection - “Art Saved My Life,” inspired by 12 year old Gavin Ramos. This interview was done by founder of Season of Sunday, Morgan Evans. 

Be sure to purchase one of the t-shirts or hoodies that has Gavin’s love letter to art printed on the products. See below to read the letter. 


Dear Art,

I just wanted to say thank you.

It has been so great to have you by my side throughout hard times. You bring color to dark days and helped me create different parts of myself. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you and I guess you could say that you saved my life. 



Gavin's journey began when he was faced with the difficult challenge of being bullied at school, which led to struggles with anxiety and depression. In his darkest moments, Gavin found solace and healing through art, using drawing as a way to cope and express himself.

Now, Gavin wants to share his message with the world. He collaborated with us to create the "Art Saved My Life" collection as a way to inspire others to seek out creative outlets to help them with their mental health.

How did art become a way for you to express yourself? 

When I go through hard times I feel like it's nice to have an outlet that I can express myself and art is really great for that so I can help portray my emotions.

As a 12 year old, how would you describe mental health? 

Taking care of yourself. 

Is art what you do to improve your mental health? 

I think people do different things to keep their spirits up and make sure that they stay ok. 

What does this collection mean to you? 

I think that it means alot because last year wasn't the best year for me, but art was always there for me to give me a helping hand and be there when I needed it. 

What about last year was difficult for you? 

I do have a really good group of friends but last year I didn't. I mean last year at first, I didn't but then I had my group of friends and it was easier to not have to beef out all the time about mean things happening at school because I always had friends to back me up and talk to and hang out with. They care about me and they like me. 

How do you make new friends? Were there a lot of new kids in 6th grade? 

There were alot of new kids, there is one middle school on the island, so all the different elementary schools go there, so I mean it was pretty easy making friends. It was kinda like a new start and I could start over. I felt really glad that I didn't have to go through what I did in 5th grade. 

What do you think the future of art is? 

I think that art is a great way for people to express themselves and I hope that this will grow in the future. I hope that in the future that art can be more accessible to people so that everyone can have a better way to express themselves. 

What would be an encouragement you would give to other kids who may be struggling at school? 

Maybe just keep on keeping on. It will get better, even if it seems like it is the end of the world right now, it will get better. 

If you could say something to your future self what would it be?

Things are really great right now and I hope that they stay like that. Continue doing art. Never stop doing art because it really helps. 

What does the phrase ‘Create.Repeat’ mean to you?

Create.Repeat means to try, try again, to never ever give up.




John payaslyan