marguerite breeden

Marguerite Breeden, 33, writer

Why do you like creating? 

I like creating because it gives me a sense of purpose and that is important. 

What do you want people to feel when they interact with your art?

I want people when they interact with my art to feel like they aren't alone and that they can pursue a career in the arts. You don't necessarily have to be an artist or an actor, there are tons of other things that are included in the arts community. 

Do you feel like the creative space in Hollywood is inclusive with people with disabilities? 

Being a person with disabilities is seen as something that is still pretty unique, but sometimes it’s too unique that people don't know how to handle working with people with disabilities or even portraying them in the media. 

Do you want to incorporate people with disabilities in your work? 

Yeah, I want to include people with disabilities in my work because I know what it is like to not be included. Anyone who has disabilities who is in the arts or whatever their field of work they are in, they have the absolute right to do it, even if they do things a different way doesn’t mean they don’t have the knowledge to do what is required.

What is your favorite thing to write about? 

I really don't have a favorite type of story, but I usually just write what comes to me. 

Do you use writing as a mechanism to help your mental health?

Yeah, I would say so. I think that really sums up one of the reasons I love it. It gives me a clear space for my mental health and a clear space for creativity and I can get away from the crazy world we live in. 

What do you think is one of the hardest things you have had to overcome as a creative? 

Honestly, it’s a very hard industry. I feel like all arts have that – you have to come up with something that someone else hasn't come up with. 

You studied literature right? 

Yeah, I have a degree in English Literature. 

What was your favorite book that you read that made you want to be a writer? 

I am really drawn to Shakespeare, I think it is so great. Obviously, I am really drawn to royalty and he covers a lot of that. 

You are an anglophile! What’s your favorite Shakespeare play? 

I would say Much To Do About Nothing – probably because Emma Thompson is in the movie and I have watched that movie a million times. My freshman English teacher let us watch it in highschool, and as soon as I saw it I was like, ‘ok this is amazing! I love this.’ 

What is your favorite movie? 

I am gonna say Saving Mr. Banks, that movie just really touches me. It is just such a good story, and the performances are amazing. 

What is your goal as a writer?

My goal as a writer is to write something that people enjoy. I want people to enjoy what I write for a long time. 

What is your greatest fear? 

My greatest fear is not being taken seriously because I have a disability. I have been through it and it sucks, people don't understand. It's not on me, it's usually on them. 

Do you have an example of when you felt misunderstood because of your disability?

I worked at a department store and people were not very receptive to me and I wanted to try to work and prove to people that I could do something that people who don't have disabilities do, and I guess it just wasn't for me, and that’s ok because it was a learning experience. 

What is your greatest hope? 

My greatest hope is that people who don't have their voices heard or are afraid to have their voices heard, that they have the courage to come out and say “this is my story, and I am not like everyone else in my business or field and this is how I have made it through.'' I think we need to be more receptive to people with different stories or different backgrounds. 

Do you feel like hollywood/media is doing that?  

I feel like what gets published is so much junk and celebrity gossip, that we don't focus on the underdogs and I wish we gave more attention to them.

I wish we would have more media that shows people with disabilities. I mean, I do see good shows with people with disabilities, but sometimes it is not real and feels more like a trope and “inspiration porn.”

What is a heartbreak that changed you as an artist? 

Geez, that is a hard one. Definitely, losing Dad. That was absolute crap. I still miss him. I think after losing Dad I realized that it is a hard loss but you can't just sit there and be sad, you have to figure out what you can do to move on with your life and make him proud. 

When is the time you felt most loved? 

Being here in LA visiting my sister is fun and going to Disneyland! I had so much fun. I felt loved when we went to disneyland, I felt like a child again and that was really important to have that. 

If you could tell your younger self something what would it be?

I would tell my younger self, your life won't be easy, but if you find something you really love and pursue it, it will definitely be worth it.

What does being happy look like for you?

Being happy looks like being surrounded by the things and people that I love. I love to write, watch movies, I love to create, I love to hang out with my mom and my grandma, and my niece and nephew.

What do you feel like you are on the verge of? 

I am on the verge of hopefully creating more. I want to create more. 

Say one thing you love about yourself. 

What I like about myself, I would say I like making people feel good about themselves, and that makes me feel good about myself. I feel like people don't hear good things about themselves, myself included and we have a lot of negative self talk, but positive self talk, is the way to go!




Ally Christensson